The complete Content Marketing solution

To help you design, produce and manage your digital content, YouLoveWords has created THE complete Content Marketing solution.

If you are short on time, editorial resources or expertise in a given field, YouLoveWords is here to help you.

We cover all your content marketing needs

Content marketing is a long-term approach that consists of designing, producing, activating and optimizing your best content in order to achieve your strategic objectives. In order to help you structure this powerful but complex mechanism, we have designed a complete and unique solution for you.


Analysis & Audit
Audience & Personas
Editorial Strategy


Topic Definition
Production Workflow
Content Creation


Social Media
Paid Ads


Editorial committees
Analysis, adjustments


01. Team

The Content Strategist, conductor and project manager

Your dedicated Content Strategist is the driver of your content strategy and your strategic and operational reference. They oversee all of your projects and talent, and help you train your teams.

Your singlepoint of contact

The Content Strategist is your single point of contact. They centralise the management of your projects, saves you time and delivers turnkey content.

The extensionof your teams

Responsiveness, respect for deadlines and trust are the basis of our support.

Maria Massalskaya
Maria Massalskaya
Global Digital Marketing & Communications Manager, Procelys
« To define YouLoveWords as an extension of your team is 300% accurate. They really helped me gain trust internally. »
Maria Massalskaya
Maria Massalskaya
Global Digital Marketing & Communications Manager, Procelys
« YouLoveWords helped me defend the importance of Content Marketing internally even before I signed with them. This is proof of real support. »
Mélanie Dieu
Mélanie Dieu
Référente Marque, Giphar
« With YouLoveWords, all our work around the creation is simplified. Our dedicated Content Strategist follows up, coordinates everything for all the content we produce, she helps us a lot. If she wasn't there we would have to hire someone, it would be much more complicated. »
Mélanie Dieu
Mélanie Dieu
Référente Marque, Giphar
« YouLoveWords is really original in the content formats they propose. I think in particular of the pillar page, which we did not know. And then there is also this reactivity and easy communication with their teams. We have a nice relationship beyond a purely professional cordial relationship, it's great. »
Peter Quiguer
Peter Quiguer
Digital coordinator, Saf-instant
« YouLoveWords was exactly what we were looking for: a partner. They knew how to give us a lot of confidence and always made the effort to understand our issues. Our Content Strategist has become almost a "Saf-instant". We expected them to look for relevant indicators on their own, advise us on the directions to follow, challenge us and point out our mistakes by giving us the means to correct them. »
Maria Massalskaya
Maria Massalskaya
Global Digital Marketing & Communications Manager, Procelys
« The Content Strategist has completely immersed herself in our business. That's also why we consider YouLoveWords to be part of our team. »
Mélanie Dieu
Mélanie Dieu
Référente Marque, Giphar
« Communication with YouLoveWords is pretty easy, even when we call each other to say there's something wrong. We have no problem telling each other things and there is always responsiveness behind it to find a solution. »

02. Method

An organization in "Content Factory" mode

Our promise is to produce a high volume of content while guaranteeing optimal quality. We help you set up production processes adapted to your organisation so that your production and distribution schedules are always maintained.

The strong pointsof our methodology

Collection & analysis

We collect and analyze all your existing content in order to lay the foundations of your Content Factory.

Highlights & workshops

We help define your different highlights throughout the year to help you manage your production.

Editorial planning

Your dedicated Content Strategist will suggest an editorial calendar adapted to your means and your ambition.

Optimization & control

We take your success seriously and leave nothing to chance, all your content is checked before it goes online.

Peter Quiguer
Peter Quiguer
Digital coordinator, Saf-instant
« YouLoveWords is truly a partner. They have shown legendary patience in doing, undoing, redoing as well as navigating the complexity of the project and the strong personalities involved. This partnership relationship and their understanding of our needs are real value-adds in their approach. »
Peter Quiguer
Peter Quiguer
Digital coordinator, Saf-instant
« The strongest thing at YouLoveWords is to know how to design a content that will meet the expectations of the people who will read it. That this content is not a disguised promotion through a few well thought words but a content with a real added value. »
Caroline Sautereau du Part
Caroline Sautereau du Part
Responsable Marketing Digital et E-santé, Giphar
« The problem I had with the other agencies was that it was difficult to navigate their processes. I insisted on this and YouLoveWords was up to the task. »
Maria Massalskaya
Maria Massalskaya
Global Digital Marketing & Communications Manager, Procelys
« YouLoveWords came in with a very comprehensive approach and was able to adapt to our context. We are really in a common project. »
Antoine Wintrebert
Antoine Wintrebert
Responsable Marketing Digital, MACIF
« What surprised me about YouLoveWords is that we could get results so quickly. The combination of writing skills, SEO analysis and the MACIF brand has produced sparks that generate results that we are happy with today. »
Antoine Wintrebert
Antoine Wintrebert
Responsable Marketing Digital, MACIF
« A critical point of our collaboration with YouLoveWords is the fact that they were able to get key internal teams on board with understanding content, acquisition, the right way to write, trends, etc. Thanks to their pedagogy, we have really succeeded in educating our internal community on the intricacies of content. »
Antoine Wintrebert
Antoine Wintrebert
Responsable Marketing Digital, MACIF
« We managed to multiply our content writing capacity by 10. Without YouLoveWords, its method, its writers, its project management and follow-up, it wouldn't have been possible. »
Caroline Sautereau du Part
Caroline Sautereau du Part
Responsable Marketing Digital et E-santé, Giphar
« YouLoveWords in its philosophy positions itself more like a partner than a provider. This is important because content is a long-term investment. »
Peter Quiguer
Peter Quiguer
Digital coordinator, Saf-instant
« I am amazed that an organization like YouLoveWords with their way of thinking about their business can exist. »
Maria Massalskaya
Maria Massalskaya
Global Digital Marketing & Communications Manager, Procelys
« YouLoveWords came up with a method that gave me confidence and allowed me to put my energy into internal communication and management rather than into production. »
Maria Massalskaya
Maria Massalskaya
Global Digital Marketing & Communications Manager, Procelys
« This extension of skills through YouLoveWords, it really came to fill a gap. The other teams were able to see a consistent approach to both content and form, which made it fairly easy for them to buy into the movement. »
Maria Massalskaya
Maria Massalskaya
Global Digital Marketing & Communications Manager, Procelys
« YouLoveWords' differentiation comes from several points. First, in the way they are structured, which allows them a real autonomy, natural for them but rarely present in other partners. Then in their customer management and their project management. »
Antoine Wintrebert
Antoine Wintrebert
Responsable Marketing Digital, MACIF
« YouLoveWords implements a method that gets it done quickly and well. Content isn't just pretty words and pretty things, it's also a back end. YouLoveWords really knows the process and how content works in large groups. »
Antoine Wintrebert
Antoine Wintrebert
Responsable Marketing Digital, MACIF
« With YouLoveWords, we have a more suitable capacity and time-to-market, a much more efficient industrial mechanics than if we were all alone. »
Mélanie Dieu
Mélanie Dieu
Référente Marque, Giphar
« The biggest success of our collaboration with YouLoveWords is the speed at which the content was produced, given the context. We asked for it to be done in 3-4 days and it was published in a flash. In addition, we had only very good feedback: internally, from people who validated it and on social networks where it was well relayed. »
Antoine Wintrebert
Antoine Wintrebert
Responsable Marketing Digital, MACIF
« YouLoveWords has been able to meet our demands for volume and quality of content while maintaining a healthy relationship. Exchanges are easy and we are all striving for the same goal. »
Peter Quiguer
Peter Quiguer
Digital coordinator, Saf-instant
« The strength of YouLoveWords is that they have a very clear approach, it's crystal clear. That was very important to us as an industry company. »
Peter Quiguer
Peter Quiguer
Digital coordinator, Saf-instant
« You can measure the success of our collaboration with YouloveWords by the fact that other business units were eager to work with them. Everyone understood that content was crucial to our business. »
Maria Massalskaya
Maria Massalskaya
Global Digital Marketing & Communications Manager, Procelys
« The biggest success of the collaboration with YouLoveWords is to have managed to do the personas, the inbound, the SEO, the editorial and the benchmark in 4 and a half months. Today, the fact that we managed to do that has played a huge role in our image internally in the company. »
Antoine Wintrebert
Antoine Wintrebert
Responsable Marketing Digital, MACIF
« Our biggest satisfactions on our year of collaboration with YouLoveWords are first of all the numerical results of course, but especially the enormous improvements in the animation and education of our community. »
Peter Quiguer
Peter Quiguer
Digital coordinator, Saf-instant
« We had very tight deadlines and YouLoveWords was able to get up and running very quickly with very good results. »
Caroline Sautereau du Part
Caroline Sautereau du Part
Responsable Marketing Digital et E-santé, Giphar
« YouLoveWords is modern in its thinking. We sense a fairly common questioning of processes and creativity. »
Antoine Wintrebert
Antoine Wintrebert
Responsable Marketing Digital, MACIF
« In terms of measurable success, there are already 150 online contents and more than 90% of off-brand captures for the website. What is less measurable is this methodology that is embedded in the company. We no longer get caught up in the content, thinking about the difficulty or the constraints. Now we think about how to do it better to achieve our goals. »
Caroline Sautereau du Part
Caroline Sautereau du Part
Responsable Marketing Digital et E-santé, Giphar
« The ability to question is a real strength of YouLoveWords. Few providers take the step of calling their clients to ask them questions know what is wrong and adjust if needed. »

03. Talents

A selection of our best talents

We have a network of over 5,000 talents from which we select your bits of editorial gold. We help you find your style to produce content that sets you apart from the competition.

A highly selective process

Our talents has been qualified, interviewed and tested by our Talent Manager before working on your projects.

Constant renewal

We continually seek out new talent to serve your strategy and goals, and can renew any resource within 48 hours.



Our network is constantly growing and we are always on the lookout for our future nuggets.



We master all of the main languages you need with our native talent.



Writer, videographer, motion designer, DA, graphic designer are among the main professions represented.



The sector expertise at the heart of our solution brings you real added value.

Caroline Sautereau du Part
Caroline Sautereau du Part
Responsable Marketing Digital et E-santé, Giphar
« I think it's pretty cool to have a pool of reporters that can be activated a little bit on demand. If we have a different topic one day, we can ask for a little bit of expert. I don't know if there are many of you who operate like that. »
Antoine Wintrebert
Antoine Wintrebert
Responsable Marketing Digital, MACIF
« The creative aspect of YouLoveWords, you can see in the examples put forth and the variety of formats they know how to produce. They know how to get the right people in the right place. »
Maria Massalskaya
Maria Massalskaya
Global Digital Marketing & Communications Manager, Procelys
« YouLoveWords manages to handle our business and our content because they know how to mobilize the right tools. When we saw the resume of the writer they selected, we were blown away. She has a PhD and has done research on the microbiome, which is our key theme. And on top of that, there's the partnership side where not only am I doing good work with them, but it brings confidence to the other skills within Procelys. »

04. Partners

The best partners for higher performance

We have established close ties with the best marketing and technological solutions on the market. Choosing YouLoveWords means benefiting from the expertise of partners who will help you boost your performance. Join a club designed to facilitate your success.

Activation / distribution
Ad's up Consulting is a digital performance consulting firm, ultra specialized in SEA, Social Ads, SEO & Programmatic Display strategy.
Activation / distribution
Plezi is the B2B marketing automation software. It's designed for companies that want to automate their inbound marketing strategy.
Activation / distribution
Semji combines expertise and technology to offer an all-in-one SEO solution that meets your needs.

05. Platform

An editorial management tool to structure your projects

We have developed a platform to save you time and allow you to track all your editorial projects from a single space.

Formulate and assign your different briefs

Support in the creation of your briefs

Follow the progress of your projects

Simplified access to your projects with deadline reminders

Feed your inspiration

A selection of the best content of the moment

Centralise your exchanges

A discussion space to facilitate exchanges

06. Academy

Sharpen the skills of your teams

We have designed different modules and content items to train your teams in Content Marketing.

You have just discovered the 6 pillars of our Content Marketing solution

We produce all your digital content

With over 10 years of experience, we can help you produce all your content.


  • Motion design
  • Interview
  • Stop motion
  • Corporate
  • Stories
  • Storytelling


  • Podcast
  • Voice over
  • Sound design
  • Jingle
  • Radio ad
  • Interview


  • Infographics
  • Photography
  • Illustration
  • Presentation
  • Dataviz
  • Visual quote


  • SEO Article
  • Product sheet
  • White paper
  • Tagline
  • Slogan
  • Op-ed

And we share with youour advice

We advise you at all key stages of your Content Marketing strategy.


  • Editorial
  • Content
  • SEO
  • Social Media
  • Semantics
  • Benchmark


  • Editorial
  • Inbound
  • Social Media
  • ABM
  • Paid Ads
  • SEO


  • Editorial
  • Graphics
  • Social Media
  • Semantics
  • Brand Book
  • Language Book


  • Editorial
  • Graphic
  • Audiovisual
  • Content
  • Editorial line
  • Creative Day

Is the format or service you need not found in this selection? Let's talk it over!

Need to know more?

Better than a service provider,a partner.

Find out what our clients, talent, and partners think of our collaboration. It's like our own Wall of Fame!

Those already benefiting from our solution

Hundreds of companies have already chosen our solution to achieve their strategic goals.

Our offersadaptedto your needs

Customized support or Content Pack, an offer adapted to your editorial maturity and your budget.